Going public . . .
Article added on the 28 Sep 2015
Last week I entered into a discussion with a producer of high profile current affairs programme to tell my story, as the 'little person' directly affected by this hysteria. I do have a concern [...]
The untouchables . . .
Article added on the 23 Sep 2015
Hitlers Germany gave rise to the statement 'I was only following orders' ; to justify the atrocious actions perpetrated on others. Subsequently we allowed many war criminals to be left u [...]
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned . . "
Article added on the 18 Sep 2015
Paul Gambaccini, the writer and broadcaster has produced a book, highlighting his experience of being under arrest and on police bail for over a year, for claimed offences of indecency. Then he was ex [...]
The Suicide Act
Article added on the 11 Sep 2015
As MP's debate the 'Assisted Dying Bill' , it is a timely reminder to think about the over 6000 people a year who take their own lives, many of which see no way forward. The Suicide [...]
'Abuse' - the billion pound industry.
Article added on the 9 Sep 2015
We need to recognise that the media, the solicitors, the police, the therapists, the children's "charities" and many others make a great living out of 'abuse' and are kept in emp [...]
Just like BSE, a knee jerking that indicates madness!
Article added on the 7 Sep 2015
I'm not an avid fan of the 'Daily Mail', but was very interested in the front page leader, which corelates with much of my thought about the credibility of some witnesses. Daily Mail [...]
'Sexting' boy's naked selfie recorded as crime by police.
Article added on the 3 Sep 2015
Well, surely the law is the law! Them rules are the rules and let's continue to apply them without mercy and with full rigidity with any offence involved with minors. So we mus [...]
It's easy to make up figures; especially if you are a 'respected' source!
Article added on the 2 Sep 2015
"The lie gets half way around the world, before the truth has a chance to put its pants on!" Winston Churchill If I needed to create a series of sensational headlines, they migh [...]
Lunch and afternoon tea with dad.
Article added on the 24 Aug 2015
Most sundays, I make an effort from my social phobic, forever anxious and isolated condition. I put on the mask of 'happiness' and go out for lunch with my aging father. After lunch, yesterday [...]
It is not what you do that causes regret, it is what you do not do.
Article added on the 21 Aug 2015
Having been given some monies last month, I decided to speculate some of it on employing a solicitor and barrister (specialising in litigation), to assess my position and the route to get some redress [...]