The untouchables . . .
Article added on the 23 Sep 2015
Hitlers Germany gave rise to the statement 'I was only following orders' ; to justify the atrocious actions perpetrated on others. Subsequently we allowed many war criminals to be left unprosecuted or to face directly the harm they had done to others; leaving those affected by the atrocities stunned, traumatised and abandoned.
We are now allowing many police services, having wrecked innocent peoples lives, to escape any challenge of their wayward activities. Because of the secretive and (some would argue) corrupted police service, the full horror of 'bad practice' will never be exposed. Much of their delinquency in providing information is excused by their intangible hiding behind the Data Protection Act. Of course they could choose other options; the delete button or the shredder to hide questionable information! For the individual to obtain information takes countless court orders just to gather the information. If any part is subjective or opinion driven all information relating to individuals (including Police officers) who have made allegations, becomes protected by legislation; giving them anonymity.
What is unravelling is the number of highly publicised investigations, of which there veracity is now being challenged, many of which have created there own whirlpools of hysteria in the public domain, These are now faltering, because of the lack of credibility of the witnesses and contradictions in statemented evidence. For over 15 years there have not been any prosecution of individuals making the allegations, which have lead to countless high profile and 'man on the street' arrests. Yet, we fail to acknowledge the real victims, the accused, who see their lives being ruined without any redress, apologies or compensation.
The BBC News article
Odette Hallowes (GC, MBE and légion d'honneur), the wartime British spy and heroine, when asked if she hated and despised her NAZI torturers, replied to the interviewer:
“No hatred. I just pitied them, for they had lost all cause and direction; they were clearly locked out of any sense of values or reason”.
My modern comparison of the UK Police, within the community, and my emotional expression on them. No hatred (just anger). I pity them and lack any confidence that they have any sense of values or reason.