Just one of a million thoughts . . .

Somewhere on these pages I've highlighted that I genuinely thought, from the police officers body language and interaction with me, that they had judged me as being guilty. This was something I told to one of the custody officers, in a very angry tone.

On release from custody I was handed some very legal forms on bail terms etc,. and also a leaflet about getting help from the Lucy Faithful Foundation Charity about dealing with Sexual Behaviours and Offences. The leaflet is common issue, from the police, to anyone accused of sexual offences. To be given such a leaflet, as some token support mechanism, adds to the presumption that the individual is considered guilty by the police!

The following day I was challenged by the police about the feelings (levied by me) of them considering I was guilty. A very random and  'interesting'  comment was passed by one of the arresting officers. I stayed completely silent throughout the entire police car journey to collect my car. The officer just bleated out  "We have not judged you, Mr.********"  in a very defensive tone trying to appease me. 

Their treatment of me spoke volumes.

When I did finally speak with the Lucy Faithful Foundation about what support they could offer, they told me that they don't really offer support to those accused as their support was targetted towards helping offenders and those who had already been prosecuted for sexual offences.

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