Lost the plod! (or is it plot?)

The BBC Panorama broadcast 'The VIP Paedophile Ring  - What's the truth?'  last night, raised the question about the credibility of witness claims against some high profile individuals. The programme also raised the issue of motives of the individual claimants, the police, the press and politicians.

The year investigation did nothing to support the claims by each witness. The police have argued that their methods are to encourage victims of child sexual abuse to have the confidence that the police will be open minded and listen, moving away from their failing of the past. 

There are question marks over the use of parlimentary priviledge to accuse someone of rape. Tom Watson MP, now the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, accused Leon Brittan (a former Home Secretary) of rape. Quite rightly (in my opinion) he is now being challenged to withdraw his remarks and apologise for his actions; being very considered about his use of language. In my earnest opinion, he is a non credible man out to make gain in the political world, using methods well outside of political fortitude.

He does nothing to progress the cause of Child Abuse victims when he jumps on the bandwagon, using his former high profile status to validate his credibility. Thankfully questions are being asked about his behaviour.

He is just an individual (nee a very powerful one), contributing to the current 'buggers muddle' of modus operandi of a number of people and the elements of mission creep being created by the Police, other politicians and charities; much of which needs some serious challenging, as they warp our society into hysterical fear.

Just stand back, draw breath and look at yourselves, guys!

BBC NEWS Article Here

(My apologies for sinking to tabloid style headlines).

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