Sad, sad and mad world!
Article added on the 6 Oct 2015
I don't think I have been reserved in expressing my concerns about the impact and direction the hysteria towards persons being involved with children has, but I was drawn to an article (in the Daily Mirror) about the interaction between a rescuer and a lost child in the US.
Little Rainn Peterson had gone missing from her great-grandparents' home, sparking dozens of volunteers to comb the area. The two-year-old was finally spotted sleeping in a field, by searcher Victor Sutton, who had been out looking for her on his quad bike.
He made the emotional 911 call, to ask for help and waited to be told he could pick her up and give the crying girl a hug.
He later told reporters that he was reticent to pick the child up in case he was accused of untoward behaviour!
Here in the UK (if you listen to the Police), we are all made aware that every male teacher, scout leader, male doctor, entertainer is a potential paedophile. Not forgetting on every street corner and public park there is one! If we accept the Police figures, we need to come to terms that there must be 8% male Police officers who are also paedophiles.This number should reduce with the proposed reductions in budgets. Sad, sad and mad world!