The merry-go-round that is not fun!
Article added on the 18 Jan 2016
Much like the rest of the world, I assume, I go through stages of emotional highs and lows. In my case the lows can be dreadfully low, well away from the random tears sessions frozen like a statue and locked in trauma. The lowest point todate has been actually buying the can of petrol, to pour over myself in a public place ensuring that my situation would be noticed. I have convinced myself that justice will not be found in my lifetime.It would be the fumes that would end my days and not as many think the bodies reaction to burns. Whatever psychiatric condition is determined for the cause of this action or term used, it does no negate the direct 'cause and affect' of Devon and Cornwall constabularies' actions.
The police, (probably and without doubt) because of the bizarre nature of my letter writing have referred me to the local Mental Health Team with my permission. I gauged that if I refused their offer, it would add weight to their argument that I was a persons not accepting of help.
Heyhoy! Here we go again. Get rid of me to someone else with the full negation of any responsibility.
The whole process will take about three months (from past experience), to get a referral. With a fair wind I will be passed around again and again to many allied support services, the doctors and charities. Call me sceptical, but I was assessed 5 times, passed from agency to agency in turn (with most saying they felt they were not the appropriate agency to provide help) ending bizarrely back at the 1st agency for an assessment. It will just be a case of enduring the long drawn out process with no conclusion and the expectation of the least amount of support from the 'talkers', who would never qualify as 'doers'; and the police have managed to pass the 'buck' for their actions, yet again.
I think the police are hoping to 'stretch it out' to give more time for officers to retire to the safety of a healthy pension and not required to be a part of any future investigation of their actions. This could end up being a unique historical 'vulnerable persons abuse' enquiry at this rate, abused mainly by the police.