Trust is the glue of relationships.

The local job centre has advised me to signigicantly play down the arrest. If asked about my leaving my last job I was to say I left 'because of personal reasons' and leave it at that.

I attended an appointment with a charity for 10 hours unpaid work experience. My discussion with the interviewer was all about taking on a new project of stimulating/coordinating support for cancer carers. Our discussion was very wholesome and we looked briefly at how to take it forward. Things were going very well . . .

Then she asked the all important 'safeguarding question', "Why did I leave my previous employment?" I had said earlier that I have not worked since 2012 because of personal reasons (as advised). She expected a bit more detail and I revealed all. Her face was drained in shock! The whole interview took a different tone and she said she would have to discuss my position with the trustees, before we could proceed.

A week later I had a telephone call from the interviewer. She had spoken with the trustees. They had said that I could come 'on board' if I was still available and prepared to do so.

I earnestly thought that this was a case of just using a volunteer at arms length. She did say that they did not have office space for someone to work from (and it is true that they are very cramped in their building), so she asked if I was prepared to work from home. I agreed and she said she would send me an email with the projects details and the charities thoughts on my role.

Finally I had something to occupy my time and get me energised to feeling of value. With a wishful thought that it would give me the opportunity to gain a reference. Its only downside was it would not strictly create a network opportunity and engage on a social/business level with others. One out of three objectives would be met.

A week later another phone call from the interviewer. Supposidly the trustees had changed their position and felt I was not suitable, from lack of experience with Cancer, to take the project forward. No option for another role (as a 'charity' desperate for support) was given or the keep in touch option.

The short conversation was ended with 'Good luck in whatever you do in life".The clearest of messages that they wished end to any relationship with me. I just took it as they had the jitters about me being involved with their charity. No trust in me, although they were provided with evidence of my exoneration.

Just another 'kicking'  of a victim, by those who might provide support.

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