Wild West Country
Article added on the 13 Jun 2017
Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Commissioner, Alison Hernandez, says gun licence holders could be the solution to defending rural areas from terrorists. She's going to take the idea to the Chief Constable.
She is only following the intimations and cues given by Chief Constable Shaun Sawyer. So is probably confident that she could have the conversation about 'alternative' policing. Over a year ago Chief Constable Sawyer, whilst giving an interview to the BBC, talked about needing far more officers who can 'shoot guns and drive high speed cars'. Early this year he proudly announced that 80% of officers would be trained in the use of Tazers (which, if they follow the old route means they will be issued with them).
So to all our visitors I present a thought; 'Welcome to the WILD WEST COUNTY' , a place of complete lawlessness, if you accept police thoughts!
I doubt whether people like me can sleep easy in our beds, now that the cultural cat is 'out of the bag'. The one that expresses or even aligns itself with the view that vigilantes are a positive way ahead.
Anyone accused of being a paedophile, especially when it is determined by the Police themselves, even when the accusations are spurious and found to be false, will be in the cross hairs of every hot head in the county, who are being given a green light to take the shot, with the countenance of Devon & Cornwall Crime Commissioner and possibly the Chief Constable.
Recognising that this is a green light for everyone who would like to take the law into their own hands, it does beg a question: What measures are in place to protect those (such as me) at greatest risk from the 'Hot Heads' or are the Police and society comfortable with the repeat of incidents like the Bijan Ebrahimi murder case aided by the arrogance and inactivity of Police Officers?
Lordy, lordy, this does identify an out of control thought process and a culture of mob rule. Where is the Police service and its employer going with this? Are they strongly advising that people like me, who in general terms are at great risk of harm from 'hot head' vigilantes under normal measure, now be looking outside of the law to protect themselves or just wait to be wounded or even killed?
How crazy do the utterances of these organisations and individuals have to be, before they are challenged and they accept that the West Country is not the 'Wild' West Country they portray?